D1888 13oz Ochi wata (cotton waste) Jeans

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D1888 13oz Ochi wata (cotton waste) Jeans

Ochi-wata (Cotton Waste)

In the process of spinning yarn, a large amount of fiber scraps are generated. This fiber waste is called "Ochi wata (fallen cotton)". The "Ochi wata" has short fiber and is difficult to spin into yarn, so most of it is discarded. This denim is a sustainable denim made by collecting the "Ochi wata" that is produced when cotton is spun, and re-spinning the yarn to revive the part that would normally be discarded. The "Ochi wata" contains a lot of short fibers, and the yarn has a natural irregularity. Re-spinning also improves the quality of the yarn, and can produce fabrics with a rough, coarse impression. For example, characteristic fabric textures such as cotton waste on the surface of the fabric and a nep-like texture are expressions that can only be created by utilizing "Oshi wata". You can enjoy the vintage look created by the natural unevenness of this denim.

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Ochi-wata (Cotton Waste)

In the process of spinning yarn, a large amount of fiber scraps are generated. This fiber waste is called "Ochi wata (fallen cotton)". The "Ochi wata" has short fiber and is difficult to spin into yarn, so most of it is discarded. This denim is a sustainable denim made by collecting the "Ochi wata" that is produced when cotton is spun, and re-spinning the yarn to revive the part that would normally be discarded. The "Ochi wata" contains a lot of short fibers, and the yarn has a natural irregularity. Re-spinning also improves the quality of the yarn, and can produce fabrics with a rough, coarse impression. For example, characteristic fabric textures such as cotton waste on the surface of the fabric and a nep-like texture are expressions that can only be created by utilizing "Oshi wata". You can enjoy the vintage look created by the natural unevenness of this denim.

Kami dengan bangga menawarkan pengiriman ekspres seluruh dunia gratis untuk pesanan lebih dari Rp2,000,000.

Kami menggunakan perusahaan kurir kelas dunia seperti EMS, FedEx, dan DHL untuk mengirimkan produk secara internasional.

Kami berusaha untuk mengirimkan produk dari gudang kami dalam 2 hingga 3 hari kerja dan biasanya membutuhkan 2 hingga 3 hari untuk pesanan yang mencakup sebagian besar negara-negara Asia Timur dan Amerika Utara, dan 4 hingga 7 hari untuk negara lain di selurug dunia.