ONI622-CCD 15oz Crushed Concrete Denim Relax Tapered

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Rp 3.321.550,00
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ONI622-CCD 15oz Crushed Concrete Denim Relax Tapered

When ONI denim released the 20oz secret super rough series last year, it was an instant hit. The denim took everything that was great about the secret denim and somehow made it more textured. Now ONI has taken things up a notch and brings you this denim is a summer-friendly fabric. The CRUSHED CONCRETE clocks it at 15oz which makes it a perfect denim for every season, yet they somehow managed to keep the texture on the same level of a 20oz denim. By using finer short stable threads for both warp and weft, the denim boasts slub levels we've never seen in denim under 15oz. Because the American cotton is thinner, the indigo dye is slightly darker and more intense and will also give you more pronounced fades if you want to.

The CRUSHED CONCRETE is an early entry for fabric of the year. Numbers are limited as per always so do not sleep on them.

We are happy to stock these in three popular cuts
1. 622 – CCD (Relax Tapered)
2. 288 – CCD (Regular Straight)
3. 266 – CCD (Relax Straight)

Kami dengan bangga menawarkan pengiriman ekspres seluruh dunia gratis untuk pesanan lebih dari Rp2,000,000.

Kami menggunakan perusahaan kurir kelas dunia seperti EMS, FedEx, dan DHL untuk mengirimkan produk secara internasional.

Kami berusaha untuk mengirimkan produk dari gudang kami dalam 2 hingga 3 hari kerja dan biasanya membutuhkan 2 hingga 3 hari untuk pesanan yang mencakup sebagian besar negara-negara Asia Timur dan Amerika Utara, dan 4 hingga 7 hari untuk negara lain di selurug dunia.

When ONI denim released the 20oz secret super rough series last year, it was an instant hit. The denim took everything that was great about the secret denim and somehow made it more textured. Now ONI has taken things up a notch and brings you this denim is a summer-friendly fabric. The CRUSHED CONCRETE clocks it at 15oz which makes it a perfect denim for every season, yet they somehow managed to keep the texture on the same level of a 20oz denim. By using finer short stable threads for both warp and weft, the denim boasts slub levels we've never seen in denim under 15oz. Because the American cotton is thinner, the indigo dye is slightly darker and more intense and will also give you more pronounced fades if you want to.

The CRUSHED CONCRETE is an early entry for fabric of the year. Numbers are limited as per always so do not sleep on them.

We are happy to stock these in three popular cuts
1. 622 – CCD (Relax Tapered)
2. 288 – CCD (Regular Straight)
3. 266 – CCD (Relax Straight)

Kami dengan bangga menawarkan pengiriman ekspres seluruh dunia gratis untuk pesanan lebih dari Rp2,000,000.

Kami menggunakan perusahaan kurir kelas dunia seperti EMS, FedEx, dan DHL untuk mengirimkan produk secara internasional.

Kami berusaha untuk mengirimkan produk dari gudang kami dalam 2 hingga 3 hari kerja dan biasanya membutuhkan 2 hingga 3 hari untuk pesanan yang mencakup sebagian besar negara-negara Asia Timur dan Amerika Utara, dan 4 hingga 7 hari untuk negara lain di selurug dunia.